Sunday, December 7, 2008

That sound again. thup thup thup thup thup
The door is partially open. The sound is steady, but is getting louder and louder... No. Closer and closer.
thup thup thup with a screech on each syllable, like the blood scream of a hawk as it descends on it's prey-- but is stopped, and started again, over and over, the prey paralyzed, over and over, as its pupils move skyward, contracting and absorbing feather and claw and scream. thup thup thup thup thup thup thup

Through the crack, four wheels and two green scrub-legs pass by and fade further and further into some place opposite from which they originated.

Exhale... exhale? Why can't I exhale? If I can't exhale... how.. can.. I ..hyper-venti...

The room has changed, and I am still suffoca.."They got one on us!" *beep beep beep beep THUP THUP THUP THUP THUP THUP static
Everything and everyone is moving... shaking.. displacing and placing and uncertain and back to displacement bending metal over plastic over smoke over flesh opening pores and liquid and fiery seizure and turning and falling and there are pieces leaving and replaced by bigger pieces that are coming, fast.

There is a head on the counter, and even through the smoke, and the dark, I see white eyes, and red blood, and while all the world has fallen to silent reverie, i can still hear it whisper.

w...w..... washeh